
Physical Devices

We source and manage the installation of devices so you don’t have too.

What We Do For You


Our team at Aregnum collaborates with reputable suppliers to source cutting-edge camera systems that meet your specific security requirements. We oversee the entire installation process, ensuring seamless integration with our software and providing comprehensive training for effective monitoring and management.

Finger print scanners

With our expertise in biometric technology, we partner with trusted vendors to procure state-of-the-art fingerprint scanners. Our team ensures smooth installation, calibration, and integration with our access control systems, enabling secure and convenient authentication for residents and authorised personnel.

Facial Recognition

Aregnum leverages the power of facial recognition technology to enhance access control and security. We work closely with reliable suppliers to obtain advanced facial recognition systems and handle their installation, configuration, and integration with our software, enabling accurate identification and seamless access management.

Electric Fences

For robust perimeter security, we assist in sourcing and managing the installation of electric fence systems. Our team collaborates with trusted providers to ensure the proper installation, configuration, and integration of electric fences with our comprehensive security management platform.


Aregnum facilitates the implementation of RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) technology for efficient access control and asset tracking. We source high-quality RFID tags and work closely with suppliers to manage their installation and integration, enabling accurate identification and streamlined tracking of residents and assets.

Management approach

Through our expertise and partnerships, Aregnum ensures the seamless sourcing, installation, and integration of these physical security devices, empowering communities with enhanced safety and control.

Aregnum is the leading community oriented software company

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